Monday 12 December 2016

Summarising 2016

What an AMAZING year!
-A Woolf Fisher Travelling Fellowship, with so many highlights I can't recount them here, the birth of Felix George, our 2nd grandchild, and a really successful year of Pt England School, Manaiakalani and Manaiakalani Outreach.

With respect to Pt England School, it first should be noted that the Management Team did an absolutely outstanding job with me absent for 3 months, and Toni Nua, who acted as principal, was just magnificent. There was not one single deficit for me to address on return, but conversely the school had continued to pump ahead as well or better than always!
Congratulations Team!

With respect to Manaiakalani, Woolf Fisher, our Research Team from Auckland University, gave us the most concretely encouraging news we've ever had in this long journey of improving school. Their confirmation of the "Manaiakalani Dosage Effect", which you will hear more of in this report, was the most heartening thing we've heard in ages.

We also received our first research reports on the Manaiakalani Outreach and they also, were more encouraging than I would have expected when we first sat down to plan the Outreach. Once again, most heartening indeed!

I am immensely grateful for the support and encouragement of so many people they can't be named. Just a few though, have to get a mention:
From Pt England, the Management and Support Team of Juanita, Garth, Toni, Donna, Leigh and Charlotte have just got to know that they are up there with any winning representative side this country has.
From Manaiakalani, the "Business End" of Pat, Jenny, Dorothy, Fiona, Anne, Lenva and Dave are also right there with all of the country's finest and best.

Results like these, across a very broad front of activity do not happen by chance, are the results of really hard work, but also require the blessing of Providence to be achieved and sustained. As always, we humbly express our sincere and deep gratitude to Someone much higher than us. God, who makes all this work possible.

As usual, I've provided a "voiced over" version of my 2016 report to our community and Board of Trustees.

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